please ignore this if any of the following apply:

1. you name is 'mm w' (I don't care for your response either) - granted this is 
reverse psychology.
2. your very busy atm (nothing technical being added here)
3. you abhor off-topic junk

otherwise the following may help to make you smile ...


to start with, let me say that I'm just a lowly php dev who very much 
being able to follow discussions on the internals list, it's helped & taught me 
about the tools I use and programming in general. the fact that I'm allow to 
interject my own questions and comments and that, more often than not, busy 
talented people
take the time to offer serious and well thought out replies is a privelege I 
value very much.

secondly a 'hat's off' to all of you who are responsible for giving us php, I
personally owe so much to all of you and I know many of my friends, colleagues 
aquaintances feel the same way. I will not mention names because I'll miss out 
too many,
but to all of you: Thank You!

@Brian: your kids look really happy, regardless of anything else that's 
probably the best CV a man could have!

now it's time to rip someone a new *******, please forgive me my compulsion :/
I promise not to reply to this thread if the troll decides to take another bite.

Op 1/17/10 7:35 AM, mm w schreef:
> yep nevermind I don't you post this question on php-internal and don't
> understand this ugly suggestion, Brian when I read your cv it seems to
> be something serious ... when I see the line with your type recasting
> I am not sure you understood something during these 15  years.

who the f*** do you think you are? your incessant trolling and abuse offers
absolutely nothing constructive to the community or technology of the php 

I'm very sure you're an absolute coding wizard, but why is it, given that your
so skilled in various programming langauge, that you can't find the time to 
learn even
the most basic english language skills before offering your unwanted, useless, 
negative and
totally incomprehensible opinions to this list.

you're an idiot with an axe to grind, who openly admits that he like's to 
troll, a quick google
gives the following example:

which is somewhat hilarious or depressing depending on your current state of 
either way you're still an idiot.

here are some simple tips in english an 8 year would understand:

1. look up the word 'Meritocracy' and learn what it means.
2. use your skills to add something to the project rather than abuse people 
(see point 1).
3. learn to write english that other people understand.

failing your ability to do any of those, please ... go crawl back into the dark
hole from whence you came ... and stay there until such time that you figure out
how to play nice with the other kids.

> Best

PS - 'Best' is not a 'sign off' by any stretch of the imagination. as a concept 
it obviously
doesn't apply to you and in the context you use it, it is totally meaningless.

PPS - before you attempt to reply and critise me for hypocracy let me just come 
right out and
admit it. I'm a hypocritic. there, I said, no need for you to take the time to 
accuse me :)

PPPS - I'm sure that googling me will bring up a number of examples of my own
online stupidity, as such just refer to the PPS and move on.

PPPPS - your wife must have done something really bad in a previous life to 
deserve you.

PPPPPS - if you feel the need to mention my wife, tough, there isn't one, my 
girlfriend left me
(but at least she still invites me over for dinner) ... and as such, again, 
please refer to the
PPS and move on.

boy, was that as good for you as it was for me?

> On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 10:05 PM, Brian J. France <> 
> wrote:
>> Try this instead:
>> request_rec *r = (request_rec *)(((SG(server_context) == NULL) ? NULL : 
>> ((php_struct*)SG(server_context))->r));
>> Apache 2.x server_context is not a request_rec, it is a struct with a 
>> request rec in it.
>> Brian
>> On Jan 16, 2010, at 7:25 PM, rwe rt wrote:
>>> Hi all,I compiled php-5.3.1 with apache 2.2.14 as DSO and wanted to test 
>>> how to call Apache API from a PHP module:Run ./ext_skel 
>>> --extname=helloModified ext/hello.c and the function 
>>> PHP_FUNCTION(confirm_hello_compiled) so that it contains
>>> #include "SAPI.h"
>>> #include "httpd.h"
>>> #include "http_config.h"
>>> #include "http_protocol.h"
>>> #include "ap_config.h"
>>> request_rec *hello_r;PHP_FUNCTION(confirm_hello_compiled) { hello_r = 
>>> (request_rec *)SG(server_context); ap_rprintf(hello_r, "Hello world\n");    
>>> return SUCCESS;
>>> }Under php root, run ./buildconf and ./configure 
>>> --with-apxs=/home/www/bin/apxs --enable-helloIt worked fine. But when I 
>>> furhter ran:
>>> makeI got an error like:....ext/hello/.libs/hello.o: In function 
>>> zif_confirm_hello_compiled': /home/www/php-5.3.1/ext/hello/hello.c:167: 
>>> undefined reference toap_rprintf'near the end of compiling.As far as I 
>>> know, PHP 5 can only be compiled as DSO and don't have access to compiled 
>>> objects in Apache 2 directly. How to modify config.m4 or other files so 
>>> that I can make compiling successful? Any help would be greatly 
>>> appreciated!Rwe
>>>      __________________________________________________________________
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