Hi Mark,

I agree but I'm not the maintainer for PDO_SQLITE, I just happen to know it somewhat and thought it can be useful to you as reference. I am CCing Wez Furlong who I believe is the lead for it.

May the source be with you,
Best regards,
Jess Portnoy

Mark Karpeles wrote:

I checked around PDO (which I don't use at all, but the source is
usually a good documentation).

The timeout can be changed for SQLite and SQLite3 PDO drivers with:

$pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT, <value_in_seconds>)

I see that PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT is not documented on
http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.setattribute.php - it might be a good idea
to fix this :)


Le dimanche 14 mars 2010 à 09:57 +0200, Jess Portnoy a écrit :
Hello Mark,

Note that while indeed sqlite3_busy_timeout() is not extended by the SQLite3 and PDO_SQLITE extensions, it is called internally in ext/pdo_sqlite/sqlite_driver.c. I think it is a good idea to extend it but also, that if you do, it should probably also be done for PDO_SQLITE as it may be useful there as well.

May the source be with you,
Best regards,
Jess Portnoy

Mark Karpeles wrote:

I've been encountering a problem with SELECT queries and SQLite3 as load
was growing on my system. From times to times I was getting this error:

Warning: SQLite3Stmt::execute(): Unable to execute statement: database
is locked

After searching on google I saw I should call sqlite3_busy_timeout() and
found out that there was no way to call it from the SQLite3 extension
(which is new to PHP 5.3.x).

Here's a patch that will add this method to the SQLite3 class:


Any comment welcome.


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