> Hi Patrick
> That's of course possible, but that would only allow seeking to a relative 
> position to where the array pointer is at that moment. The functionality also 
> gets a bit ambiguous by adding an optional parameter. You're not going to the 
> next or prev position of the array anymore.

You could always use reset() in combination with next($int). The main
benefit I see doing so is that you can do something like:

$jump = 3;
while ($elem = next($jump)) {
    // Some treatment that needs to be done on every $jump element

Which would be slower and less readable with array_seek() of course,
depends on your use case!

> And I think functions like next, prev, current etc should be kept easy to 
> use. If you want seek-like functionality, use the designated array function 
> for that (if this one should make it into php, that is).

Well, it wouldn't be a mandatory option of course for BC. It would
jump forward/backward X elements just where X is 1 by default. It
could make sense to have both maybe?

Let's wait other's opinion.


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