On 18.06.2010, at 18:13, Christian Kaps wrote:

> On Fri, 18 Jun 2010 16:28:31 +0200, Lukas Kahwe Smith <m...@pooteeweet.org>
> wrote:
>> On 18.06.2010, at 16:13, Melanie Rhianna Lewis wrote:
>>> On 17 Jun 2010, at 20:14, Stas Malyshev wrote:
>>>> Hi!
>>>>> I know the discussion is about scalar type hints. But what is with a
>>>>> object type hint as base for all objects?
>>>> When it makes sense to accept any object, regardless of the class, but
>>>> not other types? I wonder if it's really a common use-case.
>>> Its useful in some patterns.  For example suppose you have a pattern
>>> where a class wraps another class.  The wrapped class could be *any*
>>> class if you're modify the behaviour of some default methods (say doing
>>> something like a decorator pattern).  Having a type hint that
> recognises
>>> object vs non objects is useful.
>> isnt this what interfaces are for?
>> regards,
>> Lukas Kahwe Smith
>> m...@pooteeweet.org
> Sure, you can create an empty interface for this scenario but only for
> self defined classes. All PHP classes can't used with this interface.

and you seriously need type hints for this use case?

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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