Johannes Schlüter schrieb:
On Sat, 2010-06-19 at 12:45 +0200, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
Am 19.06.2010 11:33, schrieb Patrick ALLAERT:
What are the possible actions/alternatives?
 I think this was already mentioned: add a BC layer to ext/mysqli so
 that the "new" extension supports the old mysql_* functions. This would
 rid us off the old ext/mysql code without breaking code that relies on

... while such a wrapper has about the same amount of code as the
classic mysql extension (... which is in most parts a simple wrapper
over library functions...) Or in other words: Such a wrapper doesn't
have real benefits.

And any wrapper which is there by default won't change anything. People will continue to use the old API. You need to move the masses or create facts by removing ext/mysql. The latter is quite crazy considering how popular ext/mysql is. Its popularity is somewhat understandable: its old and the API is very phpish in a classical non PJAVA sense.

One of the few things that could be done is adding a note to each and every ext/mysql docs page stating that one shall use ext/mysqli instead and give examples how to do it.


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