2010/8/3 Victor Bolshov <crocodil...@gmail.com>:
> Shijiang, did you notice the
> --
> Warning: The magic method __call() must have public visibility and cannot be
> static in Command line code on line 1
> --
> ???
> 2010/8/3 Shijiang <shiji...@staff.sina.com.cn>
>> Hi,
>> In the following sample code, I expected that the magic method __call only
>> works within the class Test.
>> But it seems that the access control keyword private lost its efficacy when
>> working together with the magic method __call.
>> <?php
>> class Test{
>>    private function __call($name,$params){
>>        echo $name,"\n";
>>        echo $params[0];
>>    }
>>    public function bar(){
>>        $this->kakaka('afaafaf');
>>    }
>> }
>> $foo=new Test;
>> $foo->bar('sfsfss');
>> $foo->nothing('works'); // this also works without any errors.
>> ?>
>> IMHO, since the function __call is a method of a class, it should obey the
>> visibility rules.
>> Cheers.
> --
> С уважением,
> Виктор

It was added/changed with 5.3 so it is not necessarly obvious.


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