On Mon, 09 Aug 2010 12:44:03 +0100, mathieu.suen <mathieu.s...@easyflirt.com> wrote:

On 08/06/2010 04:42 PM, Gustavo Lopes wrote:
On Fri, 06 Aug 2010 15:33:18 +0100, mathieu.suen
<mathieu.s...@easyflirt.com> wrote:

For now you can only index an array using a scalar type or a string.
Is there some rfc or work going on to enlarge the possibility so that it
is possible to have some other object like:

- closure
- object
- etc.

I think the problem with that is how you are going to generate the
hash of arbitrary objects in order to store them in the hash table.
It's not like all PHP objects have a hashCode() method.

IMHO It should.

So the only plausible option would be to attribute the same hash to
all and the test all for equality on an insertion with a new key or in
the worst case scenario for updates and reads.

Since php is not referentially transparent I would rather use identity
unless object can redefine equality.

Well, even if one could overcome the hash problem by using suboptimal methods like calling __toString (or even use spl_object_hash(), though we'd be limited to identity) as if they were hashCode() methods, one big problem remains: the hash tables only store a simple integer (for numerical indexing) or a char * string (for string indexing) to identify the key. It would have to be changed to be able to store an object, and now we'd break a lot of code that expects keys to be either strings or integers, not to mention the arrays API would be more complicated that it already is.

SplObjectStorage is a so-so alternative because it only allows identity in indexing, but you seem to be OK with that.

As to it not working with array functions, you're right, it sucks. In fact, only array_key_exists and array_walk(_recursive) work with object (if you can call it "work").

Perhaps one path here is to change the array functions so that if they receive an object they try to cast it into an array with the cast_object handler/convert_object_to_type and change the current default implementation for standard objects, which only handles conversions to string, to also handle conversions to arrays by traversing the object, if possible. Not the most efficient thing to do, since it requires copying everything, but it would be easier than changing the array functions in a more profound fashion. The "H" parse argument is useless because it tries to call get_properties (by the way, I don't understand why convert_to_array(_ex) and convert_to_explicit_type prefer get_properties to cast_object).

Gustavo Lopes

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