
Might be the time to rename what we currently call "type hinting" then.
Because what we currently have is strict typing as well.

Maybe. The term "hint" was inexact from the start, as hint means (Collins English Dictionary):

1. a suggestion or implication given in an indirect or subtle manner he dropped a hint
2. a helpful piece of advice or practical suggestion
3. a small amount; trace

That's clearly not what is going on - there's nothing subtle or indirect there and there's not a suggestion - it's a strict and unequivocal definition of type expected for the function call.

But with its use in 5.3 it didn't matter since it was clear what we are talking about and there was no possibility of confusion. Right now what we have is a classic strict typing, albeit not required for all places but f(int $f) in PHP would be the same as f(int i) in C, so calling them differently would only lead to confusion. Maybe we should have called it "parameter typing" or something like that from the start. It didn't seem important back then because everybody agreed what it means. Obviously it is no longer the case.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/
(408)454-6900 ext. 227

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