
Having to do some work in Python recently, I had to dig into WSGI and found
that its model, much similar to what JSGI, PSGI, Rack do, seemed likely to
bring a potentially high performance improvement on my usual (Drupal)
environment. This also happened to match a remark done by Rasmus during his
presentation in late August at Drupalcon CPH, in which he advised us to
evolve Drupal towards a model with a long-term application process - PHP or
not, apparently not in his idea (C ?) - to avoid the massive amount of time
and effort currently spent on our per-page bootstrapping process, and return
PHP userland code to the more "templating" parts of the CMS.

However, after digging around on the list archives and elswhere, I could
find no trace of a discussion about an approach like this one. CGI/FCGI
sure, FPM sure, but nothing like WSGI. The closest approximation appears to
be the WPHP package, which does indeed embrace PHP within actual WSGI, but
does so at the cost of a fork/exec per hit, definitely the opposite of the
goal being looked for.

Has there ever been such a discussion, if only to dismiss the prospect as
incompatible with PHP/ZE ? Any pointers to more information would be

Frederic G. MARAND

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