On Thu, 16 Sep 2010 10:10:21 +0200, Frederic Hardy
<frederic.ha...@mageekbox.net> wrote:
> Hello !
>> This thought is brought on mainly by watching the annotations drama that is 
>> currently occupying internals, does anyone else agree it might be a good 
>> idea to have a slightly more formal procedure for requesting features and 
>> then recording votes pros, cons, side effects, etc. against it. It might do 
>> a fair bit to stop anecdotal talk of how many people actually want a 
>> feature, and stop the list retreading the same arguments over and over 
>> again. Have no idea just yet what this would look like, but an thinking 
>> something between launchpad and the current php wiki.
>>    Very huge +1 for that !
> Best regards,
> Fred.
> -- 
> ========================================================================
> Frédéric Hardy : Architecte d'application/Admin. système/Ergonome
>         Status : En recherche d'emploi
>             CV : http://blog.mageekbox.net/public/cv.frederic.hardy.pdf
>           Blog : http://blog.mageekbox.net
>        Twitter : http://twitter.com/mageekguy
> ========================================================================

The same from me.


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