On Wednesday, November 24, 2010 8:12:25 pm Daniel Brown wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 20:47, Pierre Joye <pierre....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > hi,
> [snip]
> > Please not I'm not requesting to do it now and here, only trying to
> > get a feeling/poll about git usage.
>     You might recall several conversations on this during the period
> where Gwynne was migrating us from CVS to SVN in 2008/09.  Two two
> threads that stand out most in my mind were Rasmus' thoughts on the
> matter[1] and David Soria Parra actually working toward using git ---
> or at least git-svn[2].  There were several other threads on the
> subject as well, so unless opinions have changed, you may already have
> some folks in your corner.
>     ^1: http://news.php.net/svn.migration/255
>     ^2: http://news.php.net/php.internals/44942

FWIW, the KDE project migrated from CVS to SVN a few years ago and is now in 
the process of migrating to Git following numerous KDE projects moving to 
Github of their own accord.  They're doing a piece-meal approach with projects 
migrating bit by bit.  I believe they are hosting their own Git setup but I'm 
not certain of that.

The Drupal project skipped SVN entirely and is currently in the process of 
migrating our entire infrastructure from CVS to Git, which we will be self-
hosting.  Numerous Drupal projects were already migrating to Github and we 
decided, basically, "CVS sucks and people are voting with their feet for Git".  
We opted to setup our own Git infrastructure rather than use GitHub's because 
our development toolchain is very tightly coupled with our version control 
system and issue queue history, and we wanted to retain that.  We couldn't do 
that on Github, but building our own we could.  A nice side-effect of this 
process (in progress as we speak) is a number of more generic tools (many 
Drupal-based, I grant) for version control handling, particularly Git.  

By the time we're done (hopefully late Q1 2011) we should have a number of 
people who know a disturbing amount about Git and Git-PHP, and I suspect many 
could be coaxed to at least provide advise and consultation if not actual 
labor.  (I am not one of those people so I can't speak for them, but I would 
certainly be willing to poke and prod people into offering what help they can. 

Having been an SVN fan for a long time, I must say I am *really* liking 
working with Git for the past year or so on various projects.

--Larry Garfield

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