On Sat, 2010-11-27 at 22:58 +0100, Mike Van Riel wrote:
> With this patch I will loose this recognition point and the first  
> solution that comes to mind is to search for () or arguments. This  
> sounds rather hackish to me, might I be missing a solution?

The rule is something like

"(" param_list ")" { "{" statement_ist "}" }

Where [] marks a choice of one or more and {} something optional.

I think you could detect this similar to the way you're dealing with
properties. If the T_STRING after the visibility modifier begins with a
"$" it is a property, else it is a method. If the visibility modifier is
followed by a "&" it is a method returning a reference.

> Another question is: when would you like to have this released? PHP- 
> next? (thus either 5.4, 6, 7 or whichever is next?). 

I'd like it asap. But let's see where the version discussions go, I
think this should be grouped together with Felipe's direct dereferencing
of new objects etc.


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