On 12/2/10 5:33 AM, Lester Caine wrote:

Again you are missing the point here. CVS/SVN works nicely for managing
a master code base. DVCS does not naturally support that, and this is a
major area that needs to be managed by any project switching so that you
CAN manage a master codebase.

I used to think that; I had no idea how you had an authoritative repo when everyone had a repo. Then I actually started working with Git, and the answer became obvious: You agree on one. You agree on a particular branch in a particular repo (eg, the one hosted on kernel.org / drupal.org / php.net) is the canonical branch, possibly restrict who can push to that (or not, but I think that would help PHP by having a release manager named early who can merge micro-branches), and document it.

Git doesn't technologically force an answer on you; you get to define one socially. That actually works surprisingly well in practice in a functional project. (If PHP can't come to such an agreement in practice, that's a social problem, not a tool problem.)

--Larry Garfield

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