On Wed, 2010-12-08 at 01:11 +0000, Gustavo Lopes wrote:
> On Wed, 08 Dec 2010 00:45:56 -0000, Tjerk Meesters  
> <tjerk.meest...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Don't have much knowledge about the internal workings of the engine, but  
> > I'm wondering if it's possible to apply "lazy loading" to the $_POST  
> > variable, so that processing only happens if and when it's requested.
> >
> > That way you wouldn't need the ini setting.
> In most cases, processing (=parsing) of the POST data already only occurs  
> when $_POST is requested; however, previously the data was already  
> entirely copied to two or three memory locations.
> If you mean making it so that the data is only *read and processed* when  
> $_POST is requested, I suppose that would be possible, but I think it  
> would require significant code/architectural changes to PHP and to the  
> sapis. It would also raise other problems, including backwards  
> compatibility breaks, if we wanted the change to bring any benefit.
> For instance, current scripts can, in POST requests, read any number of  
> times from php://input or $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA (to simplify, let's say we  
> even let go $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA).  For this to be possible, you would have  
> to have the data in memory because you're reading from php://input the  
> first time, you can't know if it will be read a second time, so you either  
> break BC or keep everything in memory just in case there's a second read  
> -- and then you're where you started.

This example would be solved if during the lazy load you change the
php://input stream to point at the memory location that you read it

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