Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 09.12.2010 17:49, schrieb Andrey Hristov:
sure, one's thrash is another mans cash.

Stop this dumb style

I have been paid quite well for fixing other man's thrash because it just did not work. "Thus, one's thrash is another man's cash." But do we want this a normal job?

I know very well which script is good anough with
a simple hack and where i have to do a real
application style and i do not like braindead
ideas forcing me to get lost this decision

There are so many reasons to write explicit "throw-away-code"
and YOU DO NOT have to decide this for others

Nobody forces you to use coding you do not like
So please stop braindead forcing other people

Who told you that I'm forced to write such code?

Who taught you that globals mean clean design and non-reentrancy is cool and works?

Who thaught you to decide what script from others
has to be written in which way?
So why in the world would you like to kill them braindead without
any valid reason, and "i do not like something" is not a valid
reason because nobody forces you to use such things in your

because my writings today are the legacy of tomorrow.

Your writings today are idiotic "we should break existing code because we can"

You probably got me wrong. The code will be broken and can be fixed. It's not like going line by line and checking whether everything will work. I'm tired of explaining this.


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