The default serialize precision is currently [1] set at 100. A little code inspection shows precision, in this case, takes the usual meaning of number of significant digits.

Given that the implicit precision of a (normal) IEEE 754 double precision number is slightly less than 16 digits [2], this is a serious overkill. Put another way, while the mantissa is composed of 52 bits plus 1 implicit bit, 100 decimal digits can carry up to 100*log2(10) =~ 332 bits of information, around 6 times more.

Given this, I propose changing the default precision to 17 (while the precision is slightly less than 16, a 17th digit is necessary because the first decimal digit carries little information when it is low).

From my tests, this makes serialization and unserialization of doubles around 3 times faster (counting the function calls to serialize/unserialize, plus a loop variable increment and stop condition check). It also makes the serialization data.

Crucially, from my tests, the condition that the variable stays the same before and after serialization+unserialization still holds. The test include, for little endian machines, verifies this.

If no one objects, I'll change the default precision to 17.

//run with php -d serialize_precision=17
$numbers = array(
        "0000000000000000", //0
        "2d431cebe2362a3f", //.0002
        "2e431cebe2362a3f", //.0002 + 10^-Accuracy[.0002]*1.01
        "0000000000001000", //2^-1022. (minimum normal double)
        "0100000000001000", //2^-1022. + 10^-Accuracy[2^-1022.]*1.01
        "ffffffffffffef7f", //2^1024. (maximum normal double)
        "feffffffffffef7f", //2^1024. - 10^-Accuracy[2^1024.]
        "0100000000000000", //minumum subnormal double
        "0200000000000000", //2nd minumum subnormal double
        "fffffffffffff000", //maximum subnormal double
        "fefffffffffff000", //2nd maximum subnormal double
        "0000000000000f7f", //+inf
        "0000000000000fff", //-inf

foreach ($numbers as $ns) {
        $num = unpack("d", pack("H*", $ns)); $num = reset($num);
        echo "number: ", sprintf("%.17e", $num), "... ";
        $num2 = unserialize(serialize($num));
        $repr = unpack("H*", pack("d", $num2)); $repr = reset($repr);
        if ($repr == $ns)
                echo "OK\n";
                echo "mismatch\n\twas:    $ns\n\tbecame: $repr\n";

Gustavo Lopes

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