On Thu, 2011-04-28 at 20:04 +0200, Ferenc Kovacs wrote:
> > Why I need being "saved" from documenting my code properly? Anyway, the
> > function code defines the behavior, declaration of return type just ensures
> > function would fail in runtime if your code tries to return unexpected data
> > - but how is it helpful? The client of this function doesn't even know that
> > before actually calling it!
> why did we added ppp if people can define in the documentation(or in the
> method name :/) that which method is public and which isn't

with ppp i prevent the client code from doing something the
function/class author didn't expect. With this return hint the function
auther can force a runtime error when doing something wrong himself.
(which he has to check one way or the other using tests etc.)


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