On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 20:30, Stas Malyshev <smalys...@sugarcrm.com> wrote:
> Hi!
>> I'd like to ask a question about call_user_func/_array performance and
>> the use of runtime variables to call functions and methods from the
>> PHP internals perspective.
> There are two separate issues here: real-life PHP application performance
> and internal engine performance. If you are interested in the former, please
> do not read the rest of the message, instead please read this:
> My experience (10+ years of working with PHP) shows that pretty much no
> application ever depends on its performance for such things. Most
> applications aren't even CPU-bound and those who are, their performance very
> rarely depends on how long it takes to make a function call, except for very
> small number of special cases. So unless your profiling of your specific
> application (not an artificial benchmark!) clearly shows this to be a
> problem - it does not matter.

Although you are correct when saying *most* apps, this shouldn't matter.
However. It matters a lot to f.e. applications reading large XML files
using XMLReader.
Take PhD as an example, I think we saved over a minute few years ago
when we profiled this.

Just pointing out that there are perfectly valid usecase to do give
this a thought :)


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