I've been giving it some more thought, and really, the more I think about
it, the more I am with Sean on the idea of having first-class JSON
support. It really just makes sense. PHP is a web-oriented language, and
we will all use it at some point. It's also very concise, and it's really
easy to learn.

It really just makes things easier in the long run. X APIs are adopting
JSON as a query format, hence, if we can support JSON fully, the learning
curve for expressing these queries gets sliced and diced. And as Sean
said, a lot less error prone.


Marcel Esser

Vice President of Engineering, CROSCON
+1 (202) 470-6090

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On 6/1/11 6:09 PM, "Sean Coates" <s...@seancoates.com> wrote:

>> Now, the only reason I would personally support the array shortcut is
>> if it was an implementation of JSON.  I know that's not on the table
>> here
>I don't think anything is officially off the table, unless we forego
>My application is largely JSON-powered. We pass data from back- to
>front-end via JSON, we interact with MongoDB via the extension (which is
>an altered JSON-like protocol (arrays instead of objects), but would be a
>lot more fluent with actual objects‹they're just too hard to make in
>current PHP), and we interface with ElasticSearch. The paste I linked
>earlier is our primary ElasticSearch query.
>The benefits of first-class JSON are important and wide-reaching;
>especially when interacting with systems like the ones I've mentioned.
>There's a huge amount of value in being able to copy JSON out of PHP and
>into e.g. CURL to make a query to ElasticSearch without worrying that
>I've accidentally nested one level too deep or shallow, or accidentally
>mistranslating my arrays into JSON.
>This is not about saving five characters every time I type array(), it's
>about making my systems all work together in a way that's a little less
>abstracted, and a lot less prone to error.
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