On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 10:19 PM, Sean Coates <s...@seancoates.com> wrote:
>>> If people vote on this now, will further discussion about how this SHOULD
>>> work be shut down with "we already voted on this"?
>> which other discussions do you wish? Json is clearly not an option and
>> not enough people (but a couple) likes or wants it.
>> The RFC is about short array syntax and as far as I can see there is
>> already a clear consensus for one of the proposed new syntax.
> I don't see why JSON (or JSON-like, or JavaScript Object Literal, or whatever 
> the least politically-fired term of the moment) syntax is "clearly" not an 
> option. I'm considering writing a new RFC that calls for first-class JSONishy 
> syntax, but I have better things to do if it's already dead in the water.
> As much as I'd like to avoid drawing out this discussion, I think a premature 
> vote that will be used as a political wedge to shut down all future syntaxes 
> that don't use T_ARRAY is not in the best interest of PHP.

You can still vote -1 on this RFC and try to block it. That's the
purpose of the votes. But arguing endlessly why json-like syntax is
better without an alternative RFC and patch won't bring you anywhere.


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