
On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 20:54, Chris Stockton <chrisstockto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was curious if this behavior was expected, it caught me by surprise.
> A base object I use extends ArrayObject, that class is extended
> heavily throughout my code and I recently wanted to use
> get_object_vars, but noticed it returning an empty array. I do not
> expect get_object_vars to return the properties I set via a
> ArrayObject, but I would expect explicitly defined properties in
> sub-classes and even in the ArrayObject extending class to be
> returned. Is this thinking correct? If everyone agrees this is a bug I
> can report it and write a patch  assuming its not a deep complicated
> problem.

ArrayObject extends the handler responsible for giving you such
information. So it might very well be a bug.

You should report it!


> --Code
> class TestOne {
>  public $TestOne_1 = 1;
> }
> class TestTwo extends ArrayObject {
>  public $TestTwo_1 = 1;
> }
> class TestThree extends TestTwo {
>  public $TestThree_1 = 1;
> }
> $t1 = new TestOne;
> var_dump((array) $t1, get_object_vars($t1));
> $t2 = new TestTwo;
> var_dump((array) $t2, get_object_vars($t2));
> $t3 = new TestThree;
> var_dump((array) $t3, get_object_vars($t3));
> --Produces
> array(1) {
>  ["TestOne_1"]=>
>  int(1)
> }
> array(1) {
>  ["TestOne_1"]=>
>  int(1)
> }
> array(0) {
> }
> array(0) {
> }
> array(0) {
> }
> array(0) {
> }
> Thanks,
> -Chris
> --
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Etienne Kneuss

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