Am 17.08.2011 14:25, schrieb Pierre Joye:
> hi,
> On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 2:13 PM, Reindl Harald <> wrote:
>> defaults on all servers i maintain since 10 years
>> "popen" is disabled per vhost with "php_admin_value 
>> suhosin.executor.func.blacklist"
>> since "disable_functions" is to dumb working on <Diretory>-directive
>> disable_functions = "exec, passthru, shell_exec, system, proc_open, 
>> proc_close, proc_nice, proc_terminate,
>> proc_get_status, pcntl_exec, apache_child_terminate, posix_kill, 
>> posix_mkfifo, posix_setpgid, posix_setsid,
>> posix_setuid, mail, symlink"
> symlink is not disabled in most ISPs I work with or used (and that's
> quite a lot).

most setups out there are unsecure as hell
this is no reason to ignore proper configured

> Besides the arguments already stated in the bug report, there is no
> chance that we will change this. All past attempts to "optimize"
> open_basedir (and before safemode) has ended as shooting ourselves in
> the knees. 

if "realpath_cache" would be a little smarter and include a hash
on the open_basedir there would be nothing to change on
open_basedir side

> It is still too slow for your needs? Don't use it and rely
> on system's solutions (or web server, like on IIS or many fastcgis).
> It sounds bad but that's how it is

the point is that "realpath_cache" is simply useless show me one well
thought setup without open_basedir and after that think about your
definition of "well thought" if you think you found one - even with
fastcgi and sepearted users there should never be any access outside
the docroot possible

so if "realpath_cache" will not be fixed in combination with "open_basedir"
it can be totally removed also for the handful of non-shared hosts

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