Am 22.08.2011 11:33, schrieb Lester Caine:
> Pierre Joye wrote:
>> but does it work with 5.3.6? On the servers where 5.3.7 fails?
> While switching back should simply be a matter of telling the package manager 
> to use the older version

with full disclosed security-bugs they are open and known for months
before even a new version is released

> there should perhaps be a little less 'rush' to automatically update systems, 
> allowing us to make a choice when we do upgrade?

we have the choice but we have not because it takes months before a new 
is available and the whole time before security-bugs are well known everywhere

there should be placed diff-files for security fixes directly on the 
they could be easily included in rpmbuild/spec-file if they are matching to the 
tar.bz2, but the current release process does not support this and forces users
if they wanting their machines as secure as possible to grab in the VCS manually
and hoping make no mistake by making this on their own - it is a hughe 
for a administrator innclude provided patches in a spec-file or deal with the
whole php-source

Patch8:            php-5.3.7-aconf259.patch
Patch20:           php-4.3.11-shutdown.patch
Patch21:           php-5.3.3-macropen.patch
Patch22:           php-5.3.7-crypt.patch
Patch40:           php-5.0.4-dlopen.patch
Patch41:           php-5.3.0-easter.patch
Patch42:           php-5.3.1-systzdata-v7.patch
Patch43:           php-5.3.4-phpize.patch
Patch61:           php-5.0.4-tests-wddx.patch
Patch62:           php-5.3.3-tests.patch
Patch91:           php-5.3.7-oci8conf.patch
Patch92:           php-5.3.7-readline.patch
Patch93:           php-5.3.6-mysqli.patch

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