New thread ...

My SUSE installs all have mysqlnd included in the core, As do other
Linux distributions. I think for much the same reason that the windows
builds do as well? The PHP development team have decided that
-without-mysqlnd is required to remove it rather than -with-mysqlnd is
with other optional packages. THAT decision determines what the
distributions all do and flags mysqlnd as a core package?
But I just told you that wasn't the case. Try it yourself. Download the
PHP tarball on your SUSE box and do ./configure && make
Show me where mysqlnd is linked in. It isn't.

OK done that ... is the current PHP install managed via SUSE. Additional .ini files shows what I've added from the package manager (and my own extension builds), yet mysqlnd is listed as well.

I will put my hands up that I am only _building_ my own distributions on windows, but since the core packages I am seeing on SUSE and Mandriva are the same as a default windows build, as provided by phpinfo(), I did assume php was doing the same thing on Linux as windows. It would be useful if they DID do the same thing? But now the question is why do the Linux distributions do what they do?

I have to add -without-mysqlnd in the windows builds, and expected the same in the linux ones, but I'm not finding any switch in './configure --help' to enable/disable it at all, so how is it included in the core package that Linux distributions are supplying? Since the bulk of users will be using a php distribution, rather than building their own, should there not be some correlation between what is being tested and what is being used by most users? In the past the first we know about problems such as the fun with re-writing everybody's 'date' class is when the hosts apply the latest updates? So saying it's not a PHP problem is not really an option? On one hand one wants to update to get the latest security fixes, but there is the niggling doubt that something will get broken in the process ... so one switches this off just in case :(

I hope this also explains some of the background to other posts I've made. A Firebird and Apache install run fairly transparently on either Linux or Windows ( and I understand Mac ) with little need to document differences, but PHP can be fun to get a parallel system work on both.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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