On 09/06/2011 11:16 AM, Stas Malyshev wrote:

Have you actually checked what libmysql returns??!?
If _you_ just have tried to do it, you might actually find that
libmysql does what mysqlnd did long ago, but mysqli was hiding it.
Here is output from what libmysql does, after removing the following
check from mysqli_api.c:
I checked what my build of PHP returns (which was build against
libmysql) and it always returns 0. Now I want to understand why it
happens - is it a bug in libmysql, in mysqli handling results or in
something else?

I've looked into
mysqli_result_is_unbuffered_and_not_everything_is_fetched() and it looks
like for libmysql it checks this:
(((r)->handle && (r)->handle->status == MYSQL_STATUS_USE_RESULT) ||
((r)->data == NULL))
When I step through your code, r->data (which is result->data) is always
NULL for me, which means warning is generated and 0 is returned. Is it a
problem in libmysql?

what kind of a Problem?


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