Wouldn't you consider spl_autoload_register an interoperability solution?  Only 
your defined autoloading function would then need to know how your file system 
is structured, there'd be no need for include_path declarations and you 
wouldn't have to explicitly declare paths for each class.

On Nov 3, 2011, at 2:52 PM, Jonathan Bond-Caron wrote:

> On Thu Nov 3 11:19 AM, Anthony Ferrara wrote:
>> But that's besides the point.  I just want to emphasize the point that 
>> performance should not be a criteria for justifying it going into the 
>> core...
> There also seems to be the perception among some php devs that autoloading
> is now the preferred way of loading PHP code.
> So adding require() or other explicit dependencies add the top of your
> scripts is no longer the appropriate way to do things.
> SplClassLoader solves an interoperability problem. Shouldn't it be promoted
> as such?
> So overall I agree with Anthony, performance shouldn't even be an argument.
> If you want to solve a "code loading problem", autoloading everything is far
> from a silver bullet and in my opinion not a good solution.
> The main question seems to be: does interoperability belong in core?
> -- 
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