2011/11/15 Paul Dragoonis <dragoo...@gmail.com>:
> On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 10:09 PM, Patrick ALLAERT
> <patrickalla...@php.net> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Calling session_regenerate_id() inside a same request will generate
>> multiple Set-Cookie headers
>> example code:
>> <?
>> session_start();
>> session_regenerate_id();
>> session_regenerate_id();
>> ?>
>> will result in, e.g.:
>> Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=d8afvidkqp9jd4kns8ij976o72; path=/
>> Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=lkjla7kvotnfhutb43llcirj61; path=/
>> As per rfc6265, it seems incorrect:
>> "Servers SHOULD NOT include more than one Set-Cookie header field in
>> the same response with the same cookie-name."
>> And is causing errors on some Blackberry and IE8:
>> http://anvilstudios.co.za/blog/php/session-cookies-faulty-in-ie8/
>> http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/Web-and-WebWorks-Development/HTTPS-and-php-session-regenerate-id/m-p/125562
>> It looks like the culprit is in ext/session/session.c:
>> /* 'replace' must be 0 here, else a previous Set-Cookie
>>  header, probably sent with setcookie() will be replaced! */
>> sapi_add_header_ex(ncookie.c, ncookie.len, 0, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
>> where 'replace' is intentionally set to 0 while everywhere else it is
>> called with replace = 1 (or via sapi_add_header())
>> Can someone explain me why we intentionally have that behavior ?
> Patrick, I don't know the reason why this is, but if it's filed as a
> bug then i'm happy to patch it!.

Well, if that's a valid bug, I could have patched it myself, the thing
is that it really looks intentional which makes me think it is not a
Hence I asked the question on internals before submitting a bug about it.


Since you are the one who introduced the comment, you might be the
best person to comment on this.


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