
Recent activity:

Alexey Shein dug through the failing symfony2 tests, and it turned out that
3 tests were bugged, he went ahead and fixed it (
https://github.com/symfony/symfony/pull/2750), one from the other two is a
sporadic test, it can fail randomly, the last one fails in our specific
setup (we don't do make install so their test won't find our php binary

The new Jenkins LTS got released, so I went ahead and updated our cluster,
there were a couple of hiccups, but everything should be back to normal now.

I also simplified our setup, I merged the build and test jobs, this will
make our life much easier.
This also made possible to simplify our build.xml, and I used that chance
to complicate it a little bit more :P
I added a condition and an environment variable to use gmake (gnu make) on
FreeBSD instead of make, which also made it possible to add -j2(a little
bit concurrency) to our make process.

The biggest news is that we polished up my original JUnit patch for
run-tests.php and with the help of Felipe, we have that in the svn
Felipe, Alexey, thanks again!

Ferenc Kovács
@Tyr43l - http://tyrael.hu

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