
On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 14:54, jpauli <jpa...@php.net> wrote:

> Greetings PHP Intern@ls :)
> There is a PHP behavior I disagree with regarding OO model.
> It's been here for a long time (5.0 ??, at least 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4) , here
> it is :
> <?php
> interface Iface1 { }
> interface Iface2 extends Iface1 { }
> class Foo {
>    public function bar(Iface1 $arg) { }
> }
> class Foo2 extends Foo {
>    public function bar(Iface2 $arg) { }
> }
> ?>
> Strict Standards: Declaration of Foo2::bar() should be compatible with that
> of Foo::bar()
> I find this wrong.
> Liskov (and the error message) says we must stay "compatible" in our
> inheritence.
> The fact is that we are in the code above :
> - A uses IfaceA
> - B extends A
> - B should be able to overwrite A's method typing their IfaceA params on
> IfaceB, if IfaceB extends IfaceA (and is thus compatible with it).

> Thoughts ?

No, that makes B incompatible with A.

Consider calling $obj->bar($obj) where obj implements IFaceA and not
IfaceB, if $obj is of class A, this is ok, if $obj is of class B, this is

In other terms, arguments' types should be contra-variant. Currently PHP
expects them to be invariant, but there is already an RFC discussing how to
extend it:



> Julien.Pauli

Etienne Kneuss

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