I posted this patch early last week to the list and did not see any
activity about it. According to the page (http://php.net/svn-php.php)
I should re-submit after a week just in case, so without further

This is a simple implementation of four new functions to the OpenSSL
extensions to handle signed public key and challenge requires sent by
the *cough* *cough* new KeyGen tag

openssl_spki_new(mixed pkey, string challenge)
openssl_spki_verify(string spkac)
openssl_spki_export(mixed pkey)
openssl_spki_export_challenge(mixed pkey)
openssl_spki_details(mixed pkey)

Attached is the patch (tested against php-5.3.8 & openssl-1.0.0e) as
well as a cli test case and module test case.


<<attachment: openssl-spki.php>>

<<attachment: openssl-spki-cli.php>>

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