
Some short comments:

On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 4:31 PM, Tom Worster <f...@thefsb.org> wrote:

> PHP does not in general allow access to the underlying system¹s
> entropy source. I think it would be a good idea if it did.

It does on unix using the almost generally available random and
urandom. On Windows you can use the openssl_random_pseudo_bytes
function which does not rely on the OpenSSL API but the Windows native
Crypto APIs.

> 1. /dev/random and /dev/urandom are unavailable on Windows and
> cannot be fopen()¹ed in safe mode on *nix/nux

Well, bad admins forgot to allow access to these files. Maybe we
should add that to the documentations.

> 2. openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() requires openssl extension
> installed and enabled. Most of the popular AMP packages for
> Windows fail on this count. Many shared web hosts don¹t have it
> either.

See my previous comment about windows.

For shared hosts not providing openssl, I would suggest (strongly) to
look for better hosting solutions.

> 3. mcrypt_create_iv() depends on mcrypt extension and so suffers
> similar problems as openssl

How so? The entropy source on windows is the same than the one in
openssl and uses the windows crypto API.

> 4. Another method is to set runtime config param
> session.entropy_length followed by @session_start();
> session_regenerate_id(); after which session_id() will return a
> CS random string, but this is also foiled by safe mode.

Btw, entropy src on windows benefits from the same implementation than
mcrypt and openssl.

> 5. On Windows you could try COM('CAPICOM.Utilities.1')->GetRandom
> but that API is obsolescent and not in many default Windows
> installs.

That's what the random bytes function uses. Or to be more exact,
CAPICOM uses the same same underlying API.

> 6. Last chance is new DOTNET('mscorlib',
> 'System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider') etc
> requires a working and compatible .NET framework.

Same comment as in pt. 5

> At this point the best bet is probably to hash some bytes from
> mt_rand() with microtime() and return that but trigger a warning
> about security. This is a very poor substitute.

They are by no way crypto safe. Openssl's random function on unix can
fail to be crypto safe as well. On windows, it is always crypto safe.


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