
sorry to barge in out of the blue, I recently signed up to the internals
list after many years as a PHP user (like many many people of course :) )
and after the recent non-too happy releases. I'm looking ever forward to
the next major PHP release and since I discovered the RFC's list I even
know exactly what I can wait for - or be sad to see dropped . I'm mostly a
feature oriented guy, but I recognize the obvious need too handle the many
vectors that create security problems, and Suhosin has been part of that

Now, again, coming out of the blue like this means I miss all the finer
points, the many contexts that lead intelligent people (in whatever group
context) to extreme positions, like we're seeing here, I've seen it before,
and I know intelligence and the general will to do good has nothing to do
with it. .

Anyway, keeping it brief, let me give you a user's perspective here about
security and what it means. Technical aspects aside, having an external
component mitigate a language (runtime) vulnerability is not scary for the
external component, it's scary for the flaw actually being there in the
core. Are there good reasons for this? Is it a architectural choice
that inevitability leads to said vulnerability ? I'm guessing it isn't,
because for the most part I don't think Suhosin changes any of the PHP
feature set , so one would say that each of the problems Suhosin fixes
could be fixed right at the source of it all. Now, going through RFC's to
solve problems (not introduce new features) does seem to bring
in bureaucratic work where there isn't a need for one, but I'm also
guessing we all know that and that RFC's aren't used outside the feature
set context.

I also see, despite all this, a place for an external component, almost as
I see a RC version, something like a firstline, more agile way to test code
and solutions, but in the long run, I think everyone here would agree,
something that Suhosin (or others) does better than PHP Core (baring all
the finer contexts that I'm missing, like someone trying to actually make
money out of their work by having a paid product instead of offering it to
the community) would probably be ported into PHP (and out of Suhosin) in
the next development iteration.

Now, guys, as a user here, really, no finger pointing, no nothing, I don't
care much for ego's , not when it means things go slower instead of faster,
AS A USER, I would really like for sense to come in somewhere soon, and to
see PHP moving forward, faster and better :) , and I'm sure the right
people are gathered here to (keep) doing it :)

David Ramalho

ps: no paternalism meant, first email ever here, a very hot topic, put it
in perspective please :) - thanks for reading

On Sat, Feb 4, 2012 at 09:32, Pierre Joye <> wrote:

> On Sat, Feb 4, 2012 at 10:25 AM, Stefan Esser <> wrote:
> > Grow up Pierre.
> here we go again... failed. next time....

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