(12/02/16 16:24), J David wrote:
> reported magic_quotes_gpc as Off/On, but magic quotes behavior started
> happening anyway.  Of course I just moved the configuration to the

I've also confirmed this behavior in snapshot version of PHP 5.3 (Build on Feb 
16, 2012 00:30 UTC).

I tested my https://gist.github.com/1840714 script.

And I've got the following result::

    $ wget -q "http://localhost:8080/phpinfo.php"; -O - | grep "Loaded 
Configuration File"
    <tr><td class="e">Loaded Configuration File </td><td 
class="v">/private/tmp/php.ini </td></tr>
    $ cat /private/tmp/php.ini
    $ wget -q "http://localhost:8080/cve-2012-0831.php?a='" -O -
    PHP Version: 5.3.11-dev
    magic_quotes_gpc: 0
    $_GET['a']: \'

I think magic_quotes_gpc is not disabled. All of the PHP C sources might use 
"PG(magic_quotes_gpc)" to access to that setting value, so that result might 
not be affected zend_alter_ini_entry_ex().

But a result of "ini_get()" uses a setting value after the 
zend_alter_ini_entry_ex() calling, so it reports 0.

The above is just my guessing because I'm not an expert of PHP C source code 
but probably it is not bad guessing, I think.

Kousuke Ebihara

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