Hi, All

Sorry for pulling the old RFCs out. But why is their status is still *in
draft* or something like that? I did not know something about the
That's also what I mentioned before with the missing solution ... If you
close an RFC or set it to *accepted*, please also write what has been
accepted. Btw: the old RFCs need to be cleaned up some when ... archived ...

As I see from your mails, you're not in detail following this conversation.
Btw. The conversation got quite down to a personal level in the last hours
... not really talking about facts and arguments.

I don't want a strict/weak type-binding of variables, either do I want
something strict if you pass stuff into a function.
I simply want to define a type for each argument of a function/method. If
someone calls this function with a parameter that is not compatible with
the required type, let it break.

The other RFCs were just something I saw on my way. That's nothing I
personally wanted to push forward (not right now at least) but they fit in
our discussion and were written in an RFC that was related to what I wanted.

>  I prefer the latter, which is why I am now pushing this.
What I am very thankful for ;)


2012/2/29 Kris Craig <kris.cr...@gmail.com>

> With all due respect, it's a logical fallacy to draw a direct comparison
> between these two simply because they both happen to be uphill battles.
> We've demonstrated in this discussion that it can, in fact, be done without
> breaking the PHP concept at all.  The only consistent argument I'm hearing
> against it is, "It's been voted down before."  And yet, it keeps coming
> up.  Why do you suppose that is?  Mind you, this is the first time that I
> have ever brought this up.  So it's not just me.  Ignoring this obviously
> hasn't made it go away.  We can either continue sitting in denial and
> whining whenever somebody brings this up, or we can finally stop
> procrastinating and take on the unpleasant task of actually working this
> out.  PHP 6 presents the perfect opportunity for something like this
> anyway.
> Voting it down hasn't made it go away.  What is it they say about the
> definition of insanity?  Doing the same thing over and over again and
> expecting a different result.  This concept has been proposed in many
> different ways, but now it seems like some of you have decided to just vote
> it down because you're tired of it being talked about.  But that hasn't
> worked, has it?  And it won't.  So we can either keep doing this every 6
> months or we can try to work something out that addresses this finally.
> Even if we were to take the totalitarian approach of restricting the voting
> process, that wouldn't stop people from bringing this up on the list, so
> the "problem" of people continuing to bring this up would still go on.
> Seriously, just step back and look at this from a practical, logical
> standpoint.  What we've been doing hasn't worked.  Summarily voting
> anything resembling this down to make it go away hasn't made it go away.
> One of the main reasons I finally jumped into this discussion after all
> these years is because I noticed this pattern was once again repeating
> itself in the enum thread.  This isn't going to just magically go away.
> People aren't going to "see the light" and suddenly stop asking for this
> just because they've realized the core devs decided to click the "ignore"
> button.  We can either keep repeating this pattern or we can step out of
> denial and finally address this.  I prefer the latter, which is why I am
> now pushing this.
> --Kris
> On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 2:46 PM, Matt Wilson <sha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I once pushed this hard for namespaces. Then, after years of it being
> shot
> > down, they did it.
> >
> > And now I'm sad. It didn't occur to me until after it had been
> implemented
> > how bad an idea it was for php. I think this is one of those times.
> >
> > Type hinting is wonderful, but i'm not sure you could really make it fit
> > in php without bastardizing the concept.
> >
> > The last time I looked at this discussion, I saw something about
> call-time
> > silent type conversion (essentially foo((int) $bar)) and if that's not
> > bastardizing a concept...
> >
> > I think the community has spoken. And when the core devs put their foot
> > down, I think it's best to listen. If it's so important to you, then by
> all
> > means, fork. Or simply write a patch. Put it to a vote. But this is
> beating
> > a very dead horse.
> >
> > -M
> >
> > On Feb 29, 2012, at 4:36 PM, Kris Craig wrote:
> >
> > > I agree.  I'm against strict type hinting as well.  Of course, nobody
> > here
> > > is suggesting that we should go with strict typing, so it's a moot
> > question
> > > anyway.
> > >
> > > --Kris
> > >
> > >
> > > On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 2:35 PM, Arvids Godjuks <
> > arvids.godj...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > >
> > >> Please.read my emails carefuly. What i said is last time the work has
> > been
> > >> done, and two different patches have been developed and iterated. But
> > >> dificulties in implementation and strong resistance from the devs and
> > >> comunity got it killed. I actually had a post on our biggest russian
> > >> speaking IT resource and results shown that majority of comunity was
> > >> against strict type hinting - it does not fit PHP philosophy. Simple
> as
> > >> that.
> > >> Thats all, if you cant unders
> > >>
> >
> >

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