
On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 3:22 AM, Christian Kaps
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm with Stas here.
> First let me say that I would like to see type hinting for scalars in PHP.
> As a userland developer it would help me to write clean and more robust
> code. But I think this proposal is only a workaround to get a round the main
> problem. It's a try to push similar functionality into PHP without breaking
> BC. I think it's the wrong way.

Again, the lack of a BC break is a side-effect of the main limiting
factor which was to allow for stricter checks in the future and keep
some semblance of a sensible syntax (having foo(int $foo) allow
foo("5") makes a lot less sense to me)...

> Anthony, You addressed one of the main issues in your last post.
>>> Again, I personally see casting data-loss a bigger issue than just
>>> parameter hinting, which should get its own RFC to clean up. That's why I
>>> didn't include it here. On purpose...
> Why not try to change this first?

The simple reason, is that I was under the impression that one or more
devs were writing that proposal.  I was going to let them. If they
have stopped, or want my help, or want me to do it, I'm all for



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