
On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 8:54 AM, Lazare Inepologlou <> wrote:
> Yes, like that, only better. Since automatic type casting is central in PHP,
> as this is evident after all this discussion, I believe that it should be
> better supported. There are two thinks that I would like to see here:
> 1. No more magic methods, please.

Any particular reason?  If the magic is useful, why not add the
ability?  I'm not saying we should get to python level with the shear
number of magic methods, but to artificially limit when useful
behavior can be added...  I'm not so sure...

> 2. It should cover (eventually) casting to and from any type.

This doesn't?  What other types (except from other classes) would you
like to see (or could we do besides resource and null)???


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