On Sun, March 11, 2012 6:29 pm, Stas Malyshev wrote:
> Hi!
>> I'd sure like a PHP extension that didn't have this obvious and
>> nasty bug:
>> https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=46439
> This doesn't look good. Documentation does say the @ prefix exists,
> but
> it has very high potential of creating security holes for unsuspecting
> people. open_basedir would help limit the impact, but still it's not a
> good thing. Any ideas on fixing it without breaking the BC?


Issue an E_NOTICE when it happens?

Add a new CURLOPT_FILEFIELDS that takes an array of the parameters
that are supposed to be files, so the ones that are expected to have
"@..." do not fire the E_NOTICE.

Issuing E_NOTICE is a BC, I suppose, but you'd think people would
appreciate an alert about a potential security threat...

brain cancer update:

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