Hello all.

Openssl starting from version 0.9.8 supports the ECDSA signature
algorithm. Return value of the openssl_get_md_methods() also includes
"ecdsa-with-SHA1" string. But if I call openssl_sign() with EC key
then I have an error: "key type not supported in this PHP build!".

After some time of digging I discover that this error is rises in the
php_openssl_is_private_key() in the openssl.c file. This function
simply don't includes check for EVP_PKEY_EC. All signature related
actions are performed by OpenSSL library by self and don't depend on
any internal code.

Is any chance that EVP_PKEY_EC check would be added in the next
release? Could I do something to speed up ECDSA adding process?

With best wishes
Sergey Ryazanov

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