On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 4:08 PM, Ferenc Kovacs <tyr...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> The horse is already dead.  Why are you still wacking it with a stick?
> that was my first and only reply to you about this issue, and this will be
> my last one, I promise.

I was referring to you guys piling on as a group.  Try not to take it so

>> Last time I checked, the PHP Group doesn't take orders from Github.
> we don't, my point was that if you really want to fix that terminology
> "issue", it would make more sense to complain at the source.
> as you have seen and said yourself, most people around here are familiar
> with the term, so there is no confusion to be fixed here.

It's not a question of awareness.  It's just an ill-thought term to begin
with.  It's inaccurate and vague.  I'm trying to make things as easy as
possible for Subversion folks switching over to Git without too much
confusion.  At very least, the "noise" from this little thread should
mitigate that.

Perhaps it was wrong of me to think that we should actually take the lead
and set a good example on something that needs to be fixed.  Oh well.

>>   We have the power to use whatever internal terminology we damn well
>> please with or without their permission.
> sure, you can, as github also had that option, and it seems that their
> terminology got more traction than yours.

You're just regurgitating what I've already said ad nauseum.  But again,
the majority view isn't always the right view.  You should try to be
mindful of that when evaluating new ideas.

>>   But again, why do you insist on resurrecting this dead discussion??
> that's redundant, see above.

Of course it is.  Like I said, everything has already been said.  That
breeds redundancy.  Stop bringing up the same points and the redundancy
will cease lol.

>> I've already acknowledged repeatedly that I'm in the minority on this
>> one.
> yeah, and in this very same mail you still questioning why should we use
> the generally accepted term, so?

That's right.  You don't seem to understand the difference between
deference and conformance.  I deferred to the majority opinion since
there's really no point in trying to jam my view down other people's
throats, but that does not mean that I decided to conform my views to match
yours.  I've made it clear that, while my opinion has not changed, I've
decided this one just isn't worth fighting over.  Of course, the irony is
that you guys are prolonging this fight needlessly by continuing to pile on
with stuff that has already been said.

>> But just because you and a few other stuffed shirts don't understand the
>> value of dissenting viewpoints,
> that's so nice of you

You're welcome.

>> that doesn't mean that said dissent amounts to "noise."
> your mail didn't really added anything valuable, got called out as noise,
> it happens.

In your opinion.  But just because something has no value for you doesn't
mean that it has no value period.  That's the sort of arrogant posturing
that causes these flamewars to begin with.  One would think you guys who
engage in this behavior would have learned from that by now.

>> Maybe some people here aren't accustomed to having their edicts
>> challenged.
> nah, thanks to you and a few other folks those people are constantly
> practicing to endure that.

Keep practicing.

>>   Either way, I've noticed a consistent pattern of dissenting views being
>> clamped-down and summarily dismissed in the same manner; that is, in part,
>> what prompted me to become more active on here to begin with.  I.e. because
>> I'm accustomed to dealing with a tough room.  I'm a liberal intellectual in
>> the U.S., so being in the oft-dismissed and shouted-down minority is
>> something I am very much used to.  =)
> the idea never occured to you that maybe there is some connection between
> your attitude and those "tough rooms" and "stuffed shirts" that you see
> everywhere?

Lol have you ever visited the U.S.?  I've had roomfuls of people scream
bloody murder (literally) for daring to suggest that an egg that was just
penetrated by a sperm cell is not equivalent to a human baby.  I've had
people call me a terrorist sympathizer for suggesting that the proposed
invasion of Iraq might not be such a good idea (and boy was I wrong lol!).
I've gotten into shouting matches trying to explain to protesters why their
signs that said, "Keep your government hands off my Medicare!" made no

Again, you seem to be embracing the logical fallacy that, if the majority
is hostile to your views, then your views must be wrong.

>> But seriously, the discussion on the terminology has already ended.
>> Everything has been said.  I don't like the choice that the majority has
>> made but I'll just have to live with it.
> hurray

You're really slow on the uptake, considering I'd already said that several
times lol.

>>   I made my suggestion, presented my argument, and this time it just
>> didn't have legs.
> which is a good thing, and appreciated.

If you had just said that and left it alone, we wouldn't still be rehashing
it.  ;P

>>   You win some, you lose some; I'm ok with that.  I still believe a more
>> accurate term would be better but I've already moved on.  It's time for you
>> to do the same and let it go.  You're not accomplishing anything by
>> continuing to drag this out.  Let the dead horse rest in peace.
> let's do that.

I'm glad you finally agree.

> --
> Ferenc Kovács
> @Tyr43l - http://tyrael.hu

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