On 7 Apr 2012, at 14:39, Tom Boutell wrote:

> From the viewpoint of someone writing reusable classes, the need to
> start with <?php and reprimand anybody who accidentally puts a newline
> above it is a silly annoyance they don't experience with other tools.
> That said, you are making valid points, I'm not convinced myself that
> "file extensions" necessarily should or could be determined in every
> context. But it seems the most viable way of addressing the issue - if
> a viable way even exists. Partly I want to convince myself that this
> either can or can't ever be improved, and move on either way (:

If accidental newlines above the <?php are your only issue surely it makes more 
sense to have PHP ignore any whitespace before an initial <?php in the file, 
just like it ignores a carriage return after ?>.


Stuart Dallas
3ft9 Ltd
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