On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 9:16 AM, Rick WIdmer <vch...@developersdesk.com> wrote:
> Option 1: Introduce require_path
> I think require_code is a better name.  Parm 1 isn't a path, it is a file,
> so require_path seems wrong to me.

Yeah, you're not the first to say this. require_file and require_code
have both been suggested. I'm fine with either really.

> I'd prefer a 'start in code mode' optional second parameter to
> include[_once] and require[_once].

That would be fine as far as my goals here go, but I'm concerned that
we'll just repeat this discussion if any other options for requiring
things come into being (:

> Option 2: Filename Convention
> The PHP engine should not know or care what the file extension is.  I won't
> object if you can convince autoloader authors to follow the .phpc
> convention.  Personally, once I can count on this feature, every file I
> include/require will probably be written starting in code mode and using the
> new calling convention.  Even when I use PHP to create page templates...

Sounds like you're basically OK with that bit.

> Additional suggestions:
> Add an option so the CLI can start in code mode too.
> Add another Handler to the Apache SAPI, maybe application/x-httpd-php-code
> similar to x-httpd-php and x-httpd-php-source, so we can configure Apache to
> start arbitrary file extensions with code mode on.  This defers setting the
> action for various file extensions to the person configuring the web server.
> Other web server SAPIs will need similar treatment, but I'll leave them to
> someone with personal experience.

I'm not opposed to these suggestions. I was trying to keep it
conservative and simple to implement and focus on the case where it
bugs me (creating libraries of class files), but I'd be happy to see a
way for .phpc to be the entry point / frontend controller / standalone
script as well. As you say it must be done with SAPI options (the CLI
included), not hardcoded file extension checking.

Tom Boutell
P'unk Avenue
215 755 1330

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