16 апреля 2012 г. 11:05 пользователь Kris Craig <kris.cr...@gmail.com>написал:

> Arvids,
> On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 12:46 AM, Arvids Godjuks <arvids.godj...@gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> What happened with the proposal/RFC for expanding include/require with
>> additional optional second param to allow for developers to define in place
>> if he want's a pure PHP file to be included or a template file with direct
>> HTML output?
>> I like that proposal and take it over any other, because it gives
>> developer a choice. And if things do not go the right way and he ends up
>> screwing up somewhere - he is able to fall back to the old mode just by
>> modifying the include/require statement (and in a MVC framework with
>> autoload usage that would be 1-2 places in the whole project).
>> All that stuff with keywords, removing <?php tags and using special
>> extensions require a continuous effort from the developers, additional
>> support from the IDE/editors/other tools. Do we really need all that just
>> to give people the ability to load their scripts as a pure PHP code?
>> To my mind a modification to the include/require statements is all there
>> is required to add that extra thing that Kris want's so badly and does not
>> require to change your habbits, IDE templates, waiting for IDE/editors/WEB
>> source code highlight libraries/source analyzers/etc to catch up with the
>> change.
>> There is also a question I just raised that is not yet answered that the
>> keyword/extension thing can just break the valid performance tweak
>> technique, that is used extensively in any project with big code base.
> That may very well be the method proposed in my RFC, too.  I haven't made
> up my mind on that point as I'd like to cover the pros/cons a little more
> in depth (including the potential perf issue you just raised).  A handler
> approach or something similar will still be necessary as well, since one
> key reason for my RFC was to make it so that these scripts could be
> executed directly via the webserver.  But as for determining how PHP itself
> can identify a .phpp file, I think the three best options are:  Create new
> tags, create new keywords, or create new parameters to existing keywords.
>  I keep bouncing back and forth on which one I think is best, which tells
> me that I need to hear more debate on that.  Thoughts?
> --Kris
> I would encourage you to take a deep look into modifying the
include/require statements, because for all the issues popped out with
.pphp and keywords they just don't exist with include/require. And there is
no need to remove the <?php tags in source files - just make sure they
start first thing in the file and there is no ?> at the end and hey (for my
case - my IDE removes all leading and trailing spaces on file save), your
include 'file', PHP_SOURCE_ONLY; works fine, but including a template
fails  (as does an image with embedded <?php ?> tags uploaded through a
security hole) .
It's clean (although some BC break would occur, but I think it's minor),
simple and 100% voluntary. Any decently written 3rd party library will work
without any modification (well, removing trailing ?> is a matter of simple
script if required, but I haven't seen people putting ?> in the end for

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