What happens if two of them pass?

On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 6:55 PM, Arvids Godjuks
<arvids.godj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 16 апреля 2012 г. 22:02 пользователь Kris Craig <kris.cr...@gmail.com>написал:
>> On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 10:31 AM, Rick WIdmer <vch...@developersdesk.com
>> >wrote:
>> > On 4/16/2012 3:31 AM, Arvids Godjuks wrote:
>> >
>> >> That's sad really, to be honest.
>> >> I wonder if people even use this:
>> >>
>> >>  echo include 'foo.bar', 'baz';
>> >>>
>> >>
>> > Probably not,  Try it!  you get:
>> >
>> > 1baz
>> >
>> > It actually works more like
>> >
>> >   echo (include "foo.bar"), 'baz';
>> >
>> > than
>> >
>> >
>> >   echo include( "foo.bar"), 'baz';
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > More important include doesn't currently allow multiple parms:
>> >
>> >   include "foo.bar", 'baz';
>> >
>> > Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ',' in bla.php on line xx
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Rick
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
>> > To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
>> >
>> >
>> I'll reiterate my position that I'm not ready to bring my RFC to a vote;
>> and even if I was, the rules wouldn't allow it.  In fact, unless I'm
>> mistaken, none of the RFCs have met the 2-week minimum requirement yet, so
>> no vote can take place at this time.  But I do think we're making progress,
>> so I would ask for a little extra patience from the peanut gallery for
>> now.  =)
>> To Arvids' point, I'm definitely leaning in that direction, but I'd like to
>> hear a little bit more from anyone who believes a different approach would
>> be better.  If nobody speaks-up, I'll just assume that we have consensus on
>> that point and add it to the RFC.
>> Regarding include/require, I agree that any BC break would be extremely
>> minimal.  In the 10+ years I've been developing PHP, I don't think I've
>> ever once seen somebody include multiple scripts on a single line (I wasn't
>> even aware that such a thing was allowed).  So if it does pose a change,
>> I'd be surprised if any existing scripts would be affected.  And since this
>> is a major version increment we're talking about here, I think a small
>> amount of allowance can be made for low-impact BC breakage IMHO.
>> How about we just keep the parentheses optional and comma-seperate the
>> arguments?  For example, the require syntax could look like this:
>> require[(] $script_filename, $script_type = PHP_SCRIPT_TYPE_NORMAL [)];
>> Possible values for $script_type:
>>   - If the included file contains PHP code, parse it.
>>   - Code is assumed to be PHP throughout the script.  The <?php tag throws
>>   E_NOTICE and the ?> tag throws E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR.
>>   - The $script_type is applied to all child scripts of the one being
>>   included.
>>   - Question : Would anyone see value in adding an override constant that,
>>   while not recommended, allows the developer to apply a different
>>   $script_type somewhere deeper in the stack?  Personally this doesn't
>> sound
>>   useful to me, but I'd be willing to put it in if enough of you wanted it.
>>   - The entire script is assumed to be PHP code and is parsed accordingly.
>>   - The entire script and all its child scripts (i.e. its "stack") are
>>   assumed to be PHP code and parsed accordingly.
>> What do you think?
>> --Kris
> I think there is no need for that many constants and types of inclusion.
> Just a PHP_SCRIPT_TYPE_NORMAL and PHP_SCRIPT_TYPE_CODE will suffice (the
> later just expects the <?php at the very beginning of the file, like a
> header, and no other ?> or <?= or <?php through the file). The KISS
> principle still applies, and it should be kept that way. Too many options
> and you end up with people abusing that on purpose with reasoning "Because
> I can, f**k everybody else!" (it's a "pleasure" to work with such people).
> I don't like the idea of removing the <?php tag at all, because it will
> mess up the syntax highlighting everywhere and annoy people that copy the
> plain code without the <?php and get it not recognized as a valid source
> code.

Tom Boutell
P'unk Avenue
215 755 1330

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