On Tue, 17 Apr 2012 23:23:35 +0200, Tjerk Meesters
<tjerk.meest...@gmail.com> wrote:

Maybe this has been suggested before, but it would be nice if comments in, ahem, request for comments could be consolidated into one spot, the RFC page itself. Facebook comments come to mind, though I'm sure there are other solutions based on OpenID, etc.

This list should remain the main place for discussing PHP development. The
volume of e-mails can be mitigated by sending more consolidated answers
(that cover several points discussed recently) and avoiding recycling

It's of little use to bring the same issues over and over again, be it
with different or the same people. It doesn't matter if someone didn't
"get it", you don't have to convince him individually that you're right as
that will have a near null effect on the outcome of the RFC.

In my opinion, one of the problems with these RFC threads is that the
proposers are busy retorting over and over again instead of just
collecting the objections and address them either by changing the proposal
or responding *once* in a well thought-out manner. That objection and a
short response should also be included in the RFC to avoid it being
brought up again.

Gustavo Lopes

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