
> interesting, but am I the only one that we could also boost the performance
> of the Zend Engine, if we would throw out everything, except the "PHP 1.0"
> features: functions, arrays, ints, floats and strings
> not that we should do that, I just think that the numbers are somehow
> misleading.

They also removed refcounting from the language - meaning, as I
understand from this:

The project's biggest deviation from the PHP specification is probably
that GC is no longer reference counting. That means that the object
finalizer, when implemented, will not be called directly at the moment
of object death, but at some later point.

that they do not destroy objects at all currently. So these benchmarks
don't mean much.

But the idea is interesting, if they ever take it to actually working
implementation. It's the kind of things that first 90% take 90% effort,
and last 10% take another 90% effort.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/
(408)454-6900 ext. 227

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