> People are forgetting why we have version numbers.
> Yes, it's very spectacular to have all the new stuff in a major release, but
> that's not what major versions are for.
> Major versions are for BC breaks. And point releases are for BC-compatible
> new features.
> Therefore in 5.x releases old and new features should co-exist, and in 6.x
> the old ones should just go.
> Otherwise there's no point of using versions *at all*, and PHP can just
> publish build numbers or dates.
> Here's a refresher of the rules of versioning: http://semver.org/
> Stan

Stan, just to clarify, I'm for BC breaks and overall evolution in a language.
It makes perfect sense to me, to go through the steps of marking
deprecated and later removing those... As is clear on "Semantic
Versioning" http://semver.org

What I was stating is that: IF you want to keep the old way of doing
things around instead of removing them, it should be "change
settings/tag/whatever so it work as the old way" and not "change it so
it works the new way", that was my only point.

Daniel Macedo

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