I'll start off by saying that I am, personally, a great fan of OO. Pure OO 
languages have always tickled me just right.

But I question the idea that making something pure OO makes it better. And in 
PHP, it wouldn't be a mere revamp of the OOP system like php5 did, it would 
fundamentally change the language. It wouldn't be PHP anymore. Also, it'd be 
slow. Very slow. There's no real way to keep PHP's model and go the route 
you're talking without turning the language into a vegetable.

And that's okay. Because PHP isn't a one-size-fits-all tool. It's a web 
language, and it excels at being a web language. Why can't we just keep it that 
way, and use the tool appropriate for the job at hand? I wish we could stop 
trying to make PHP everything to everyone and just accept that sometimes java 
is the answer. Or python. Or ruby. Or any other language or technology that 

Making PHP 100% OO won't make it better at web development. In fact, I'd argue 
it'd do the opposite, as a once simple language would now inherit not just the 
features that go with a pure OO language, but also the same considerations one 
has to make when dealing with such a language. Moreover, a change like this 
would result in one of two outcomes: PHP follows through with a solid, 
feature-complete OO language specification (unlikely) and thus loses the 
flexibility of being a dirty little dynamically typed language that cares 
little for enforcing type constraints, or, much more likely, we get a half 
assed solution because PHP wouldn't be PHP without that flexibility, and it's 
largely incompatible with a true OO architecture.

Just my $0.02

On Jul 18, 2012, at 11:17 PM, Ronald Chmara wrote:

> With PHP 6, lets start with a:
> Pure
> Object
> Oriented
> ...idea, and extend it out, so we can have a:
> Structured
> Heuristic
> Idealistic
> Taxonomy
> ..so we reduce user confusion, and eliminate the vast majority of our
> userbase, (thus cutting down on bug reports, of course)  so we can
> have a:
> Heuristic
> Accessible
> Readable
> Available
> Helpful
> ...language advance.
> (This is not meant as a serious post, but as a post to increase levity
> on this list. Your mileage may vary. Cape does not enable the wearer
> to fly.)
> -Ronabop
> -- 
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