
> In PHP 6 we tried to introduce separate input, script and output
> encoding settings. Currently in 5.4 we don't have that, but we have
> those 3 separately for mbstring and for iconv:
> iconv.input_encoding
> iconv.internal_encoding
> iconv.output_encoding
> mbstring.http_input
> mbstring.internal_encoding
> mbstring.http_output
> Ideally we should be getting rid of the per-feature encoding settings
> and have a single set of them that we refer to when we need them. This

I agree, having unified set of encodings would be a good thing. However,
I have a feeling most of the people won't really understand what these
three do, and would never bother to set them. From my experience, people
don't even bother to set PHP timezone, even though PHP complains each
time date function is accessed. So these will be left as default in
99.999% of cases.

> So do we create a new default_input_encoding ini directive mid-stream in
> 5.4 for this? Of course with the longer-term in mind that this will be
> part of a unified set of encoding settings in 5.5 and beyond.

What happens to these 6 directives? Will we now have 9 directives for
setting the encoding? This reminds me of: http://xkcd.com/927/. Having
yet more settings is not really a solution to the problem of too many
different settings. So unless we deprecate all others in 5.5 and have
people use only generic ones it's not very useful. If we do deprecate
them, we need some kind of migration path - i.e. if you set
iconv.input_encoding what actually happens? If you set
default_input_encoding will it also set mbstring.http_input - or will it
affect mbstring without actually setting it?
I guess we'd need a good detailed RFC on this :)

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/
(408)454-6900 ext. 227

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