> OK, thanks for the information. It explains why I didn't find anything in
> the HashTable structure (unlike iterator pointer or the next free key).

Yes, because the hashtable is an ordered map. The only way to
logically prepend to it is to rework the whole thing. That's generally
how you prepend to a stack as well. You'll probably find that in most
C implementations of a stack or a linked list the only way to prepend
is to rebuild the entire stack or list.

That's why the existing implementation is just doing the equivalent of
what I demonstrated in PHP code (it creates a new hashtable).

Line 2053 of ext/standard/array.c
    HashTable *new_hash;    /* New hashtable for the stack */

> You're right; I hadn't noticed that.
> Side effect: add values at the beginning of an array could be very
> time-consuming, according to its size.

It's generally more costly to do so, yes.

> Thanks again for this link. I have the book of Sara (huge piece of work,
> btw), and I found some good documentation. But more information wouldn't
> hurt!   :-)

Cheers :)

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