Hi Stas,
You know, it's not always possible to get new features or performance
boosts without API change. It's one of the reason why we postpone such
changes for major releases. But, I agree that even in major releases API
shouldn't be changed without significant reasons, and we should keep
compatibility if possible.
BTW I even think that PHP doesn't need most of recently added features.
It's a monster already and we make it more complicated with each
release. As these new features are needed only to few people, they are
not tested enough. Then, after release, we found that something doesn't
work as expected, and we have to fix design mistakes with ugly hacks.
Traits is a good example.
Thanks. Dmitry.
On 09/04/2012 11:15 AM, Stas Malyshev wrote:
Given many discussions on the list about changing stuff in PHP, I'd like
to bring everybody's attention to comment by Linus Torvalds in this
topic: https://plus.google.com/115250422803614415116/posts/hMT5kW8LKJk
It talks about Linux kernel and discussion has next to nothing to do
with PHP, but generic point about keeping the interfaces and importance
of not serving one use case I think very important for all widely used
platforms equally. I think the opinion of the author of one of the most
successful platforms in recent history may be interesting to consider.
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